A certain kind of CMNM experience
experience was originally posted by Bill Williams to another group. It
was subsequently distributed on the Thorngay Yahoo group mailiing list
on January 27, 2008. It represents one boy's sexual development (into
manhood) that is heavily centered about being exposed to other males,
particularly in situations of helplessness (an important sub-theme for
some CMNM enthusiasts NOTE: the photos were added (by this author:
sunbunz - since Bill did not (and could NOT (LOL) provide his own).
[From thorngay Y! Group]
There were enough [good] responses to my first email and the brief
summation of some of the things I did to myself as a teen that I will
now post my "Boy Scout Story" [supposedly all true. ]
I first realized I was an exhibitionist at a very early age, even
tho I did not know what the word meant. I started out running out the
back door and around a tree in the back yard in just my underpants.
I don't know if it was the exhibitionist in me coming out, or if it
just felt good running around like that, or just because it was
"naughty". ?? Of course, I progressed to doing the same thing completely
naked, and I really liked doing
something more daring? I would sneak into my sister's room once in
awhile, when nobody was home, and would put on some of her underpants
and walk around the house that way. I even swiped a diaper off the
neighbor's clothesline and would put that on, sometimes walking outside
wearing just the diaper. Pretty soon tho, that became "old stuff", and I
wanted to do something else, something more daring!
I got a little older I was allowed to ride my bike away from my house,
as long as I stayed within a mile or 2, even in the early evening.
was a forest preserve about a mile from my house, that had a river
running through it. During the day, there was hardly anyone in the park,
just 1 or 2 people fishing
sometimes. I would ride over there, go behind some bushes and take off
my pants and underpants, and ride along the path wearing just a long T
shirt. That was really neat, especially when I would meet someone on the
path and have to really be careful not to stand up and show that I
didn't have anything on under my T shirt. I had some really close calls,
but that just made it more fun.
progressed to riding my bike home like that, especially in the early
evening. Sometimes, just as it was getting dark and just as a car was
passing me, I would stand up, baring my butt just as the car passed me.
That, too, soon got to be old stuff. Then I got the idea that it would
be really neat if someone would see me totally naked. I guess that is
when I progressed from being a little nudist to a full fledged
exhibitionist. I would go near the end of the woods near the highway,
take off all my clothes and walk along a path, jumping into the bushes
if I though I heard someone coming. (Never saw anyone, tho). Then I
would turn back, go right to the edge of the trees and when I saw a
bunch of
cars coming, I would run across the clearing, stark naked, until I was
sure they saw me, then back in to the woods, get my clothes, get
dressed, and go home.
day I saw a school bus with a bunch of kids going to camp or something,
and when I was in the middle of the clearing, totally naked, I heard
them shouting and laughing, and I knew a whole bus load of kids had seen
me naked. I was so excited I could hardly sleep that night.That' s when
it really started to get interesting. And I evolved into the "liking to
be laughed at and humiliated" state of my life.

was a Boy Scout Camp in the forest preserve, pretty far back in. One
day, I was riding my bike along a path, (completely dressed for a
change), when I ran into, (almost literally), a group of them hiking
along the path. They were all a little older than me. An idea began
forming in the back of my head. I went back the next day, and sure
enough, the scouts came along at almost the same time. I scouted (no pun
intended), along the path and found a clearing that had a bunch of tall
trees, some with low hanging branches, about 6 feet off the ground. I
went back the next day, almost 2

earlier. I had a 2 "choker" dog collars that were chains with rings at
either end. You would slip the chain through one of the rings and form a
loop that was supposed to go over the dog's head, and when he pulled on
the leash too much, the chain would kinda choke him, making him slack
off. Well, if you put on hand through the loop and then made another
loop at the other end and put your other hand through, your hands were
pretty effectively "chained" together. If you had the right size chain,
it could be really difficult to get it off, especially if your hands
were chained behind your back.

I got to the clearing and found a tree that had branches low enough
that I could jump up, grab it and start climbing. I took all my clothes
off. I put my socks in my shoes and tied them together, and threw them
up into the tree. They caught on a branch about 12 feet up. I tied my
jeans in a knot and wrapped them around a rock and then threw them as
high as I could. They caught on a branch almost 20 feet up. Then I did
the same with my T shirt. It wound up just above my shoes.
underpants were next. I wrapped them around a rock and threw them as
high as I could. They caught on a branch just above my jeans.? I was now
totally naked with all my clothes up in a tree. ?? I had given a lot of
thought as to how I would chain myself, so as to give myself maximum
If I just chained my hands behind my back, I could bend over or
down and keep myself covered, and of course, that would not do. I
wanted to be fully exposed when the scouts came by. So I decided I would
chain myself to another tree. I also figured out that if I just wrapped
my arms around the tree, only my bare bottom would be exposed. So I
figured out that if I got on my hands and knees, backed up to the tree
and fastened my ankles together
around the tree, then leaned back and chained my wrists behind me and
around the tree, I would be a kneeling position and fully exposed , with
no hope of covering any part of me. So I backed up to the tree. When
the first of them came into the clearing, he just stopped and stared at
me. Then the others saw me and they all came over and just stood around
looking at me.
I told them some guys had caught me riding my bike and pantsed
me, and then threw all my clothes in the tree. All this time they just
stood there and looked at me, most of them smiling and snickering.
also noticed that a couple of them were getting woodies, seeing me naked
and chained like that. And being the only one there that was naked and
chained to a tree with a bunch of older boys staring at me was getting
me excited too, and my dick started to get hard too. They finally got me
loose, and when I started to stand up I kinda stumbled from being
chained up like that for so long, and 2 of them grabbed my arms to help
hold me up.

Two older guys, fully clothed and me naked, holding me up. (one of them
had his hand on my bottom) With 12 other guys looking at me. By this
time I had a full hard on. Just couldn't help it. I was so excited. The
best was yet to come. Nobody offered to get my clothes out of the tree,
so that meant I was going to have to climb the tree, totally naked, with
all 14 boys watching me. I walked over to the tree, and turned around
so that I was facing them. I jumped up and tried to grab the lowest
limb, but I couldn't reach it. After trying a couple times, with my dick
flopping up and down with each try, two of them came over and held
their hands cupped together so I could stand on them and they could
boost me up and grab the limb.

I got a hold of it and hung there, fully stretched out soeverything
was showing. Then I lifted my legs and hooked them over the limb, kinda
spread out so that my asshole was in full view. I think I even tried to
pucker it a little. After hanging like that a bit, I swung up and
started climbing, making sure I stopped a little every time I was fully
stretched out or spread out. I also had to scoot along some of the
limbs, dragging my balls and bottom along the rough bark. I sure
couldn't get dressed up in the tree, so as I reached each article of
clothing, I dropped them on the ground.
When everything was on the ground, (I was at the highest point
the tree), I started to (slowly) work my way down, again stopping every
so often and spreading my legs. I finally got down to the last limb and
swung down, again holding on and hanging there as long as I could. When
I dropped down, I "stumbled" and fell over backwards with my legs going
up over my head. Then I got up and started getting dressed. And not one
of them took his eyes off me until I finally pulled up my pants.
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