This blog is devoted to experiences, stories, discussions, information, links to other Net resources and (maybe) visual media for guys who are into (n2) CMNM - clothed male-naked male scenes.
LATEST UPDATE: ------------------------------------
See new Facebook event page sponsored in part by the new Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cmnmdudes/
Visit the CMNM Group & Forum on JUB http://www.justusboys.com/forum/group.php?groupid=40
The CMNM Site on Pridesites collects together all the parts (sites, blogs, application, links) into one set of pages. (Note: Several of the links no longer work. Eventually, they will be replaced or deleted.)
CMNM Events: See list of upcoming CMNM events on Eventbrite:
Check out the London CMNM Group via Meetup.com
Los Angeles M4M Strip Poker Group's Parties happen semi-regularly. See info on right --->
More ideas or info is included at my JustUsBoys (blog) is a list of more possible CMNM events, some held, all not yet decided or scheduled, but with your help they will be.
Send in your place or ideas on where CMNM does or could happen, tell us about a CMNM event, or make suggestions or comments about events on the following form: CMNM Places Form
Click to see the CMNM event list:
Plannning Event for a Joint JustUsBoys Dudesnude Tribe.net Adam4adam Manhunt Grindr Recon Gathering
Click the link above to join us in planning.
Join our newest GuysN2CMNM group on Celly:
A complete list of my new blogs (Nov 2014):
Join our new GuysN2CMNM group on Celly:
Plannning Event for a Joint JustUsBoys Dudesnude Tribe.net Adam4adam Manhunt Grindr Recon Gathering
A complete list of my blogs:
Visit our CMNM-Guys Tumblr (see pics below).
Visit our Guys Into CMNM Tumblr
Visit our Facebook Fan page at:
NEW! Networks* Guys Into CMNM on Celly
See list of upcoming CMNM events on Eventbrite:
JUB (JustUsBoys.com) started allowing members to create groups. You can visit the
JUB CMNM group or copy this link:
The CMNM Site on Pridesites collects together all the parts (sites, blogs, application, links) into one set of pages.
GUYS INTO CMNM social networks:
Our newest CMNM social networks is located at: See our newest CmNm group on Facebook: 1. Guys Into CMNM (inside Facebook)
More GUYS INTO CMNM network groups at:
Please check out the other networks at:
2. A small number of guys have joined a CMNM gropu on Groupsite (formerly collectivex.com )
Visit it at: http://cmnm.groupsite.com
3. The most recent (and smallest) CMNM group is the Windows Live group located at: http://cmnm.groups.live.com/
4. Gaywatch.com, Lifeout.com, and HardHornyMe.com have CMNM groups inside them.
5. There is also a fairly large group (800+) on the private CMNM group (called a tribe) on Tribe.net. You'll need an invitation to join.
First, become a Tribe.net member, then ask me ( http://people.tribe.net/sunbuns ) to invite you to be a member of the CMNM tribe.NO LONGER WORKING
6. To learn more about CMNM, visit our Wikispace,
7. Join our discussion board, CMNM Forum, which is open to all.
Go to this Wufoo form:
and fill in the data about a place you know where guys can experience CMNM or simply get naked, such as a nude beach or clothing-optional resort, a gym, bar, or club, etc.
Fill out the CMNM Places form on Wufoo to add to our CMNM database.
Click here to see the current list of CMNM locations (added by our members). Google Document (Published for all to view).
Wufoo members can be added as users/editors to view data file.
Userplane Webcam Chat Room (CMNM), used jointly on all our Guys Into CMNM social networks. Click CHAT button. You can sign in with a Userplane ID or remain anonymous.
Membership is free (You have be logged into Facebook) and everyone is welcome.
We also invite you to join one of our social networking sites for CMNM:
Last updated Nov. 28, 2015Please sign the guestbook at the bottom of this page.
A small group of CMNM members from LA M4M Strippoker Yahoo Group meets at a private apartment in Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles Strip Poker Party for CMNM Dudes, The next party will be either January 15 (Sat) or 16 (Sun), 2011. preferably in the afternoon, but evenings are possible, depending availability of the attendees.
Please see the Crush3r link above for more details, but send your request directly to JC, the organizer, NOT TO ME. Please read the Crush3r link on how to contact him.
Web Links related to CMNM
*New: CMNM Events: http://crush3r.com/who/uxcltnmlsn
CMNM Resources on WikiSpaces.com* Guys into CMNM Guys into CMNM blog
* Forum: Discuss CMNM
* Dickflash.com http://www.dickflash.com Check out the Male-to-Male Flashing forum
* Google CMNM group http://groups.google.com/group/cmnm/>Google Group for CMNM
Social Network Communities
It's a continuing saga. Ning (one of the world's largest after Facebook) decided to remove all adult-content, sexually explicit/graphic groups in January 2009. Now it seems that others will be going that way too or at least making it difficult to host such groups.
After exploring SocialGo.com as a potential new home for our Guys Into CMNM Ning (which was deleted by Ning as of January 1, 2009), I was resigned to choosing it after having explored quite a few alternative. But recently (12/28/2008), I discovered WebJam. It's a whole lot better -- for what I want in a social networking site, but it's got its limitations - as do they all. Since then, SocialGo has decided to ask adult-content, sexually graphic groups to start paying beginning in April. At $49 a month, it's not worth it and I doubt anyone wants to share the cost. Therefore, the CMNM.socialgo.com group will moved and eventually removed.
Another rather new entry into the social networking market is Grou.ps (yes... it has a 'period' in that word).
I have started a Guys Into CMNM group on Grou.ps: The URL is http://grou.ps/cmnm
In the end, I'll choose adaptability and customization over ease and simplicity. But that's not true for everyone I realize. Therefore, there will be several in many different Guys On CMNM online communities - as time goes by, members will tend to gravitate to the one(s) that have more appeal and usability for them. So that's how I will operate the Guys Into CMNM Ring of Networks -- there will be over a different types of CMNM networks:
Guys Into CMNM Ring of Social Networks - pick out the one that suits you.
Webjam http://www.webjam.com/cmnm - The most flexible, customizable, and most like Ning (except for Video gallery), embedded video OK, multiple page profiles with many kinds of modules (widgets, RSS feeds, etc)
SocialGo http://cmnm.socialgo.com - Slow, simple interface, little customization possible, it has the basics, but was soon abandoned by the large adult content networks, rumored to become for-pay soon (will be moved to Socialgo's new adult-content service on Feb 15 and they will be charging in April -- thus TO BE DELETED April 1, 2009). For some strange reason, it still exists but no one ever logs in.
Grou.ps http://grou.ps/cmnm - Poor designed and buggy code, might have potential, but you can only share video from Youtube (and two other non-porno sites), embeddable vids in Wiki (Wall) only (not blogs).
NOTE about Grou.ps : ( June 2009) They gradually made progress with the Grou.ps site, adding some new functionality and -- most importantly - some speed. Recently, there have been many new members joining (over 1200) and the Video (embedded) has greatly improved. However, many of the large Grou.ps (Dan's Public Sex, for example, etc) have been turned into 'subscription' only membership. You have to pay (or sign-up for adverts/products, etc) in order to earn 'credits' to pay for your subscription. I don't think it will be too long before they force all adult content grou.ps to pay for subscription membership.
Orkut: http://www.orkut.com/Main#Community.aspx?rl=cpn&cmm=57809762 (recently Orkut has cracked down on adult / sexual content).My gmail id can longer log into Orkut. So I doubt the CMNM still exists.
Pridesites (my own website): http://www.pridesites.com/sunbuns/
Queerclique: There is now a CMNM group inside Queerclique (which uses the former Socialgo network as its 'branded' host server). Queerclique is the free social networking community for QueerClick (the commercial gay porn mega-blog and gallery site). Membership requires aproval.
HiAdult http://www.hiadults.com/group.php?group_id=10
CollectiveX http://cmnm.collectivex.com/
Facebook Group: CMNM Facebook Group I founded this group in FB, but it's now moderated by someone else. Because adult content is strictly banned (not so much in private profile) and nude photos are not allowed, the group isn't very active. I learned this the hard way - my first FB account was summarily deleted (and so was my profile and status).
Xtube Group: CMNM Group in Xtube
Tribe. net: Private Tribe for CMNM (by invitation only, contact: sunbuns for invite)
Flickr Group: Various photo-sharing groups inside Flickr.com (e.g. CMNM, Physical Exams (Male), etc)
Google Group: CMNM Group
Yahoo Group: CMNM http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cmnm
GayWatch: CMNM group http://www.gaywatch.com/view_group.php?group_id=102
Lifeout: CMNM group http://www.lifeout.com/groups.php?group=1050
HardHornyMe.com http://www.hardhornyme.com/gay/ Once a member, go to groups: cmnm It doesn't have much functionality as a site yet.
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